Saturday, September 7, 2013

Immigration Survives Recess As Pressure On Ryan Fizzles

UK relaxes business and education immigration rules

Chances for enacting a law by years end dimmed after House leaders said they would consider a series of bills instead of one large measure. Ryan has stood apart from his House colleagues by pressing for fixes to the system, including eventual citizenship for undocumented immigrants . Very Impressed What Congressman Ryan has done so far is really astonishing to me, Democratic state Representative JoCasta Zamarripa of Wisconsin said in an interview. I am very impressed with seeing him taking on the leadership role that he has in support of immigration reform. Yet, she said, it doesnt end there, and he needs to do more. Also backing Ryan is Americans for a Conservative Direction, a group funded by Zuckerbergs pro-immigration organization It is airing television ads in Ryans district backing his immigration views.
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What You Don't Know About Immigration Can Hurt You

On Labor Day, Senator Sessions claimed that unemployment and labor force participation statistics make the case for continuing American restrictions on low-skill immigration. With Congress set to take this up again next week, its a good time to reexamine the evidence. Unfortunately, there is inmigracion still more fear than fact in the case for restricting immigration. The most credible evidence published in scholarly economics journals suggests that immigrants are either a net benefit (the optimistic case) or essentially a wash (the pessimistic case) for the American economy. In a 2011 paper for the Center for Global Development that was ultimately published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives , Michael Clemens summarized the literature on immigration. He referred to the potential benefits of more open borders as trillion-dollar bills on the sidewalk and pointed out that the estimated gains [from dropping barriers to labor mobility] are often in the range of 50-150% of world GDP. The World Bank reported that World GDP in 2011 was about $70 trillion, which means dropping barriers to labor mobility could increase the size of the world economy by $35-$105 trillion dollars. Thats a lot of new wealth in the pockets of American residents and our potential foreign customers. Here is Clemenss summary of the most credible evidence on immigrations effects: [A]ll serious economic studies of the aggregate fiscal effects of immigration have found them to be very small overallsmall and positive at the federal levelsmall and negative at the state and local level. He continues: In historical cases of large reductions in barriers to labor mobility between high-income and low-income populations or regions, those with high wages have not experienced a large decline. Again, there is some evidence that wages fall slightly for people at the top and bottom of the skill distribution, but the long-run effect on native wages overall is either zero or positive. In his essay What is Seen, and What is Not Seen , Frederic Bastiat cautioned us to count costs and benefits accurately. In Economics in One Lesson , Henry Hazlitt stated Bastiats lesson as follows: The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups. This makes it easier to see that immigrants dont take our jobs. Claiming that every job held by an immigrant is a job that would have gone to an American is a mistake. A lot of Alabamians hire house cleaning and landscaping services or eat more restaurant meals because immigrant labor makes these services more affordable. Many of these jobs wouldnt exist if immigrants werent here to do them at prices native-born Americans find attractive.
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Paul Ryan Reform Would Help Fix The Social Security Problem Immigration reform would help bolster Social Security because more legal workers would mean more people contributing payroll taxes to its trust fund, according to an analysis from the Social Security administration. Undocumented workers already contribute $15 billion per year to Social Security. Immigrants Start Successful Businesses More than a quarter of technology and engineering firms started between 1995 and 2005 had a foreign-born owner, according to the Washington Post. One of the founders of Yahoo!, Jerry Yang, is an immigrant from Taiwan. Reform Would Save $410 Billion Over The Next 10 Years The immigration reform bill proposed by the "gang of eight" senators would save $410 billion over the next decade, according to an analysis from Gordon Gray, the director of fiscal policy at the American Action Forum, a conservative think tank. The savings would come largely from a boost in GDP resulting from undocumented immigrants gaining citizenship and in turn likely making more money. High-Tech Companies Say Reform Would Boost Their Bottom Line Companies like Microsoft and Google have said that immigration reform would help them by allowing for more H1B visas, a special kind of visa geared toward highly-skilled immigrants. The tech giants say they can't find enough qualified people in the U.S. to fill their staffing needs.
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GOP Congressman: Immigration Reform Faces Narrowing Window in 2013

The changes, announced on Friday, will make the UK more attractive to international students by allowing them to take up corporate internships after completing their degree and making it easier for graduate entrepreneurs to take up skilled jobs, an official statement said. The British home office also made changes to the Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) visa system to enable employees to extend their stay without having to take a language test. The ICT route is already well-regarded with business customers describing it is "the most user-friendly in the world", the statement said. "The UK is open for business: we are building an immigration system that works in the national interest and supports growth," immigration minister Mark Harper said. "Today's changes will ensure that the UK continues to attract global talent to work for British businesses and study at our world-class universities," he said on Friday. "Immigration reform is working; we have tightened immigration routes where abuse was rife, while still encouraging the brightest and the best to come to the UK." Minor changes have also been made to the family rules to benefit UK citizens applying to bring their Non-European Economic Area spouses and children to the country as they will be given greater flexibility. Changes to the general visit visa will enable tourists to complete training courses in topics such as English and leisure activities, the statement said. The UK is still an attractive education destination for Indians, even after a 24 per cent drop in Indian students coming to Britain was reported during the 2011-12 academic year. With the new rules, it will become easier for Arts Council-endorsed artists "with exceptional promise" to come to the UK to work rather than just those who have established themselves globally.
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Immigration reform, the Utah way

The toll of detention is compounded by the pain of deportation, especially for children. The deportation of my wife would inflict unimaginable harm on our family. Yet, just last year the United States deported 412,000 persons, 98,000 of whom were parents of U.S. citizen children. Living under this broken immigration system is not the America where decency and the common good prevail, for all who have the inalienable human right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In the face of this human suffering, not only for my family but for tens of thousands of others, Im grateful for people of faith who have taken a stand by welcoming immigrants and refugees. Many churches, not just my own, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, are united in this respect. I appreciate The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for supporting the principles of the Utah Compact. This stance is consistent with the LDS Churchs principles for understanding "neighbor" as a relationship, which includes all of Gods children, and the need to strengthen families by protecting them from "forced separation." story continues below Top 25: No. We need to speak forcefully, since the U.S.
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Syria Adds To Uphill Battle For U.S. Immigration Reform

But he has worked on the issue -- formerly as a member of a bipartisan group drafting a comprehensive bill -- and he is plugged into internal party politics on immigration. But, as Labrador said, political and policy disagreements are not the only thing holding immigration reform back. The calendar is too. The House only has 39 more scheduled legislative days left this year. And the aforementioned debates over Syria and fiscal issues could eat up a bunch of that time. Labrador believes if immigration reform does not pass in 2013, its even less likely to do so next year because of the looming mid-term elections.
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Immigration: Official Data 'Poor' Leak Reveals

Conservative sources blame the previous Labour Government for a lax immigration policy. But the civil servants go further, raising questions about current policy. "It is important to note that government data on immigration remains poor and it remains unclear the extent to which current policies will deal effectively with immigration," the report says. It adds that EU membership limits what can be done. David Cameron has promised to reduce net immigration to the "tens of thousands" by placing a limit on the number of visas issued to workers coming from non-EU countries. A Home Office spokesperson said: "Our reforms are working. We have overhauled the immigration rules, tightening the routes where abuse was rife, and net migration is down by a third since its peak in 2010. "One of the reasons we need to control immigration is because of its impact on infrastructure and public services.
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