Sunday, November 24, 2013

Immigration Among ‘biggest Civil Rights Issues Of Our Time’: Facebook’s Zuckerberg And that means that getting the most talented people into this country is the most important thing that we can do to make sure that the companies of tomorrow are founded here. In June, the Senate passed an immigration bill that would strengthen border security and boost the number of visas for skilled foreign workers. Read MarketWatch story about Senate bill . Immigration reform has been stalled in Congress since then, with House Republicans saying they wont consider the Senate bill. President Barack Obama said Tuesday that he would accept a piecemeal approach to overhauling the system, and that he is amenable to the House taking up elements of the Senate bill - as long as the outcome is the same. Read about Obamas interview at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council . House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, said at the same event that there isnt enough time to deal with immigration this year. In the interview Zuckerberg said the vast majority of Americans want [immigration reform] to happen and that hes hopeful about an overhaul.
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John Boehner: Immigration Reform 'Absolutely Not' Dead

That seems like its one of the biggest civil rights issues of our time, Zuckerberg said. Zuckerberg speaking to ABC News David Wright this week from Mountain View, Calif. pushed back against those who argue the millions of undocumented immigrants estimated to be in the United States are here illegally and have no right to citizenship. There are a lot of misconceptions about that a lot of them came here because they just want to work. They want to help out their families and they want to contribute, he said. ABC News The 29-year-old billionaire who co-founded the immigration reform advocacy group this spring outlined the economic importance of reform. The future of our economy is a knowledge economy. And that means that getting the most talented people into this country is the most important thing that we can do to make sure that the companies of tomorrow are founded here, Zuckerberg said.
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Hackathon puts immigration reform in the spotlight

Perry refers to and address the severe problems of the drug cartels, this would be a revolutionary achievement. November 20, 2013 10:18 pm at 10:18 pm | Perry is 100% wrong,not every immigrant is a Mexican, in the United States there are immigrants from all the globe.Obviously I will vote Democrat. November 20, 2013 11:27 pm at 11:27 pm | vikingwoman It's hard to fathom that this 'out to lunch' individual has been governor of my state for as long as he has! Who keeps voting for him!? People are obviously not paying attention to the trifle coming out of his mouth! Rick, pay attention, there are many more undocumented immigrants coming into the country than just Mexicans!
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Perry: 'Immigration reform is going to be very passé'

On immigration, his tone was rather less encouraging. The idea that were going to take up a 1,300-page bill that no one had ever read, which is what the Senate did, is not going to happen in the House, he said. And frankly, Ill make clear we have no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate bill. We cant force them to get to yes, but we can make them pay a price for getting to no. If this Congress isnt going to pass immigration reform, lets elect a Congress that will. For the broad, well-organized coalition of immigration-reform activists, that statement was a stunning blow. If Boehner keeps that pledge, he will have rendered moot the months of wheeling and dealing it took to get a massive, bipartisan bill through the Senate in June, forcing the upper chamber to start from scratch even if the House manages to get its act together and pass its own bill or group of billsa prospect that appears increasingly unlikely. That Boehner could make encouraging noises when confronted by activists, then pour cold water on immigration's legislative prospects, neatly summarized the plight of the reformers, many of whom are coming to grips with the possibility that their efforts, despite politicians' apparent receptiveness, have come to naught. The reformers' official line remains one of optimism that the House will act, perhaps even before the end of 2013. But many activists have already begun to take a more aggressive tack, arguing that lobbying is overits time for revenge. We cant force them to get to yes, but we can make them pay a price for getting to no, said Frank Sharry.
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What Happened to Immigration Reform?

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said recently that there would not be votes this year, and Boehner has rejected a vote on the comprehensive reform bill that passed the Senate in June. He said last week that he has "no intention" of allowing negotiations on that bill, and that the House was still working out its own path forward. There is no indication that Boehner will allow a vote on a comprehensive bill introduced by Democrats and co-sponsored by three GOP members that is based on the Senate legislation. At her own press conference earlier Thursday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called on Boehner to bring that bill for a vote. Immigration advocates are ramping up the pressure on House Republicans, as demonstrated by the early Thursday delivery of turkeys, merlot and pleas for immigration reform to Boehner's office and other GOP members. A group of activists are currently fasting on the National Mall -- some of them for more than a week -- in a call for quick action. They requested a meeting from Boehner, but he has not yet given them one. Boehner said, as he has before, that behind-the-scenes and committee talks on immigration reform are ongoing. He did not answer questions on when they plan to introduce or vote on legislation.
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Mark Zuckerberg: Immigration Reform One of the 'Biggest Civil Rights Issues of Our Time'

ABC mark zuckerberg nt 131122 16x9 608 Mark Zuckerberg: Immigration Reform One of the Biggest Civil Rights Issues of Our Time Reid Hoffman speaks to one of the programming teams at the DREAMer Hackathon. (Credit: James Martin/CNET) A roomful of youthful programmers -- all of them undocumented citizens -- listened closely Wednesday night as notable Silicon Valley visionaries offered their support for immigration reform. Industry leaders including Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, and Dropbox founder Drew Houston, are personally consulting with the teams as they spend 24 hours building prototypes for advocacy tools to help advance meaningful immigration reform -- something believes is long overdue. Related posts Silicon Valley execs press D.C. on immigration law fixes , the hackathon's host, is an organization promoting better policies to keep the United States and its citizens competitive in a global economy -- including comprehensive immigration and education reform. says the United States is falling behind other countries because it's failing to educate and retain tech-savvy workers. Believing that successful hiring of the best and brightest is essential, is advocating for education reforms that produce more advanced degree graduates in the science, technology, and math fields.
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