Thursday, November 7, 2013

Poll Indicates Support For Immigration Reform

Obama, McCain to discuss immigration at White House

Otherwise, they can rest assured theyll be hearing from them on Election Day in 2014 and beyond. ( WATCH: Obama links immigration, business at CEO meeting ) About 71 percent of voters surveyed nationwide said they would back an immigration bill that contains the following provisions: border security, an expanded visa program for high-skilled workers and agricultural workers, an employment verification system, a pathway to citizenship for undocumented children and legal status for immigrants in the United States illegally. As for a pathway to citizenship, 73 percent would support it if it includes requirements to cough up penalties, learn English, pass background checks, pay taxes and wait at least 13 years, according to the poll. The automated poll was conducted Oct. 19-20 and surveyed 900 likely voters. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.27 percentage points. The poll comes as another major labor group plans to launch ads pressuring House Republicans on immigration reform. The Service Employees International Union said their $500,000 ad buy will target Republican Reps. Gary Miller of California, Joe Heck of Nevada, Mike Coffman of Colorado, Rodney Davis of Illinois, David Joyce of Ohio, John Kline of Minnesota and Michael Grimm of New York in their home districts. Another ad targeting Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) will run in the D.C.-area television market. The SEIU joined a separate lobbying effort from a coalition of liberal-leaning immigration advocacy groups focusing on nine House Republicans who could face political fallout in their districts from Latino constituencies. Along with Heck, Coffman and Miller, the campaign is targeting Reps.
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Rep. Gary Miller targeted in TV ad pushing for immigration vote width='200px' alt='The debate over immigration reform' style='float:left;padding:5px' /> Gary Miller and voters in his Inland Empire district, this is just the beginning: A television ad began airing Thursday in the Republicans district seeking to ratchet up pressure on him to support a pathway to citizenship for immigrants in the country illegally. Miller is among seven GOP lawmakers nationwide targeted in the roughly $500,000 ad buy by the Service Employees International Union. Many more ads are expected because Miller is regarded as among the most vulnerable House Republicans, a top Democratic target who represents a heavily Latino district won by President Obama . Also Embrace of immigration reform eases path for California Republicans Miller said in a statement that he will "closely examine the merits and consequences of any proposal the House of Representatives considers to ensure that it will lead to the establishment of a fair and efficient immigration system that promotes economic growth, fixes the legal immigration process, and implements e-verify and effective border security measures." U.S. immigration law: Decades of debate The 30-second ad, which will run for about a week, opens with scenes of the government shutdown , including a shot of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), an architect of the strategy to hold up a government funding bill in an effort to stop Obamacare . It notes that while the Senate passed a broad immigration bill in June, the House has yet to hold a vote to "fix our broken immigration system and urges voters to call Miller and "tell him the time for talk is over." Miller, elected to Congress in 1998, has taken a hard line on illegal immigration. Even after moving to a new district, he voted earlier this year for a House-passed measure to stop funding the Obama administration program that halted the deportation of young immigrants who are in high school or college or have served in the military. A coalition of immigrant advocacy groups on Thursday also announced plans to target nine Republican-held congressional districts, including those of Miller, Howard (Buck) McKeon of Santa Clarita, Jeff Denham of Turlock and David Valadao of Hanford, with phone calls, door-to-door visits and other events to inform voters of their lawmakers position on an overhaul of immigration policy.
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Is tide turning over immigration views?

Immigration and Customs Enforcement removes 409,849 undocumented immigrants. 2011 - The estimated number of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. is 11.5 million. The undocumented immigrant population grew by 27% between 2000 and 2009. 59% of undocumented immigrants are from Mexico. 2.8 million undocumented residents live in California, while 1.8 million reside in Texas.
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Immigration reform advocates are pictured. | Reuters EST November 7, 2013 Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., left, accompanied by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., speaks with reporters outside the White House in Washington on Sept. 2, 2013. (Photo: Evan Vucci, AP) Barack Obama SHARE 21 CONNECT 21 TWEET 8 COMMENTEMAILMORE Sen. John McCain will meet with President Obama at the White House on Thursday afternoon, just as the White House has restarted its push for an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws. There are no specific issues on the agenda for the meeting, said White House spokesman Jay Carney, who confirmed the meeting. But McCain told reporters that he expects to discuss immigration and other issues with the president. No other lawmakers are scheduled to join the meeting. McCain was a key supporter of the immigration overhaul bill that passed the Democratic-controlled Senate this year.
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Immigration reform is dead for the year, top GOP reformer says

Diaz-Balart has been deeply involved in bipartisan negotiations overimmigration for years now,andis thought to be in touchwith House GOP leaders on the issue, so folks involved in the immigration debate pay close attention to what he says. Worse, Diaz-Balart said that if something were not done early next year by February or March, before GOP primaries heat upreform is dead for the foreseeable future. Im hopeful that we can get to it early next year, he said. But I am keenly aware that next year, you start running into the election cycle. If we cannot get it done by early next year, then its clearly dead. It flatlines. Reformers on both sides have been pushing for action this year.
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Immigration Statistics Fast Facts

Just like you did on Obama Care? There is already a path to citizenship. Over a million use ever year. You illegal? Want to become a Citizen of the United States? Simple. Go back to your own country and put in your application. Like millions are already doing. November 7, 2013 03:56 pm at 3:56 pm | Sniffit "obama has refused to implement obamacare as the bill was passed." Blah blah blah Heckler v. Chaney...GFY.
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Pro-immigration attack ads to target House Republicans

. Testicular denounce . KIDS AND WIFE AWFULL denounce . 1. Michelle Obama. 2 . Ann Dunham , Barack Obama. 3 . Maya Soetoro Ng, Obama Abongo Malik . 4 .
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